Your Aphasia Experience with Mental Health Counseling

Study Description:
This 15-minute anonymous survey will look at the correlation between aphasia (post-stroke aphasia or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)) and how aphasia affects access to and experiences with mental health counseling. We will ask questions about the specific diagnosis for each individual partaking in the survey, their experiences with mental health counseling, including any difficulties communicating with their counselor as a result of their aphasia. The goal of this research is to better understand how having aphasia impacts counseling so we can develop better educational materials for counselors. The survey can be accessed here:
Aphasia Friendly Study Description:
We want to understand how having aphasia affects access to mental health counseling. This is a 15-minute online survey that will ask you about your experiences with mental health counseling, and communicating with your counselor. The goal of this research is to better understand how aphasia impacts counseling so we can better educate counselors about aphasia. Your information will remain anonymous. The survey can be accessed here:
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
Inclusion criteria: Adults (ages 18+ years) diagnosed with aphasia due to stroke or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). A caregiver can assist if if participant requires assistance to complete the survey. Exclusion criteria: Individuals with a neurogenic communication disorder who cannot provide legal consent for their own participation and the legal proxy is not available to provide consent.
Principal Investigator:
Shannon Sheppard
Contact Email:
Stroke or Primary Progressive Aphasia
Observational or Treatment:
Type of Treatment:
Duration of Study:
Approximately 15 minutes (survey is completed virtually from own home).
Study Start Date:
May 23, 2023
Study End Date:
May 23, 2024
Costs or Reimbursement:
There is no cost or reimbursement for participating.
IRB Approval #
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