Study Description:
We are conducting a research study to determine how the brain responds to language treatment. We want to investigate: 1) differences in language progress depending on the intensity of your treatment and 2) how language training produces changes in brain activation Benefits: Intensive language treatments have been demonstrated to be effective in increasing the verbal skills of many people with aphasia but the exact parameters of an intensive regimen remain unknown and not all treatment types have yet been tested. We will change various aspects of the treatment to determine how to maximize language gains. In addition, we hope to learn more about how the brain changes after language treatment, which may help other patients in the future.
Aphasia Friendly Study Description:
We want to study how the brain changes after treatment for aphasia. We will look at: 1) differences in language progress depending on the intensity of your treatment and 2) how language training produces changes in brain activation
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
Participants who will undergo fMRI scans must not have a pacemaker. Participants should be at least 6 or more months out from initial stroke. In addition, individuals qualify if they: 1.) Are an individual with aphasia resulting from stroke and you are looking to improve your verbal-spoken language. 2.) Can make arrangements for transportation for all assessments and treatment sessions to the UConn Speech and Language Clinic or a mutually agreeable location on three to four separate days before and after language treatment. 3.) Are eligible to go into the MRI scanner (note that MRIs are very safe, there are only a few disqualifying conditions for undergoing scans). If you are interested in this study, we will review a screening form with you to make sure it is ok for you to receive an MRI
Principal Investigator:
Jennifer Mozeiko
Contact Email:
Observational or Treatment:
Type of Treatment:
Constraint-Induced Aphasia Therapy
Duration of Study:
3 to 4 separate testing sessions where we look carefully at participant's language skills before treatment and over time. Then, participants engage in one or 2 30-hour treatment sessions. Each treatment session will meet for 3 hours, every day for 2 weeks. Participants will have a 5-week break in between sessions. In addition, participants may also be asked to participate in 3 to 4 separate fMRI scans at UConn’s Brain Imaging Research Center. Each session will last about 90 minutes, including about 30 minutes of preparation time, and about 1 hour of scan time.
Study Start Date:
January 1, 2024
Study End Date:
September 30, 2024
Costs or Reimbursement:
Travel reimbursement: $10/day. Additional pay: $25/hr. for each FMRI scan along with $15/hr. for any training for the scan.
IRB Approval #
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