Inclusion criteria: -English-speaking individuals who identify as Black or African American, live in Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, or Mississippi -Were diagnosed with an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke a minimum 6-months post-onset -Can follow 1 step directions -Can respond accurately to basic yes and no questions -Have adequate premorbid speech and language skills -Individuals must also present with a communication disorder consistent with non-fluent aphasia, Broca’s, or Transcortical Motor type, excluding Global aphasia as determined through formal aphasia testing. Exclusion criteria: -Diagnosed with a stroke less than 6 months ago -Global and fluent aphasias including types: Wernicke’s, anomia, conduction, and transcortical sensory -Co-existing neurological disorders such as dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease), primary progressive aphasia or multiple sclerosis -Vision and/or hearing impairments that cannot otherwise be remediated with assistive devices (i.e., eyeglasses, hearing aids) are not to be included in this study -Medical records will be required to confirm the diagnosis of the stroke and the time since onset.