Investigating Music Listening as a mechanism to improve attention and language in aphasia
Study Description:
The Acquired Brain Injury Communication and Cognition (ABC) Lab at Purdue University is recruiting people with aphasia to take part in a study that explores whether listening to music can be used to treat language and attention difficulties. Participants will have their attention and language assessed before and after they listen to happy, sad, or no classical music for 10 minutes.
Aphasia Friendly Study Description:
We are recruiting people with aphasia to have their attention and language abilities tested before and after listening to happy, sad or no classical music for 10 minutes. This study is offered virtually or at the ABC Lab in West Lafayette, Indiana.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
You may be eligible to participate if you have aphasia, are 18 years or older, and are a Native English speaker. If participating remotely, must have a laptop or desktop computer (no tablets/iPads please) with a stable internet connection