Aphasia Research Study

Study Description:
Participants will fill out a short survey answering questions about their aphasia diagnosis, and their experience with speech therapy. This information will be used to help speech pathologist improve the quality of life of their clients with aphasia through therapy.
Aphasia Friendly Study Description:
Please fill out a short survey about your aphasia and your speech therapy experience. Your answers will help speech therapists make therapy better and improve life for people with aphasia.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
Inclusion: -Any adult with any aphasia diagnosis, that is currently in speech therapy, or previously had speech therapy, and are between the ages of 18 to 65. Exclusion: -Any adult that is younger than 18 or older than 65, regardless of aphasia diagnosis. -People who do not have aphasia.
Principal Investigator:
Samantha Gardner
Contact Email:
Any aphasia diagnosis
Observational or Treatment:
Type of Treatment:
Duration of Study:
The study only takes as long as it takes the participant to fill out the survey. They can answer questions at their own pace.
Study Start Date:
September 1, 2024
Study End Date:
March 31, 2025
Costs or Reimbursement:
-It will cost participants approximately 20 minutes of time to fill out the survey. -Participants will not be reimbursed financially.
IRB Approval #
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