A Feasibility Study for Naming Improvement and Retention in Primary Progressive Aphasia

Study Description:
We are seeking participants with semantic or logopenic variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) for a paid treatment study. We are interested in exploring whether combining a personalized intensive language treatment with a computer-based memory training program implemented at home will result in lasting improvements in word finding and language skills. During the in-person sessions you will: Be given a computer-based word-naming training that involves naming words from pictures, which will take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete. At home you will: Practice naming words at home using a computerized flashcard program for at least 30 minutes per day. The study will take place at one of two research locations within the City University of New York. Participants can participate at Queens College (65-30 Kissena Blvd, Queens NY) or Hunter College (425 East 25th Street, Manhattan NY). Participants will be asked to sign a consent form explaining the study and their rights in more detail. If you are interested in participating, or know someone who may be interested, please contact us at NeuroCommunicationLab@qc.cuny.edu.
Aphasia Friendly Study Description:
Speech Language Pathologists provide therapy for people with Primary Progressive Aphasia. But we don’t know enough about it. The research will help us learn. We are developing a therapy treatment to help maintain language improvements using Memory Retrieval Training. The researcher will look at the results. We want to know if it works. What will it involve? We want to compare whether Memory Retrieval helps maintain language improvements relative to no Memory Retrieval We want up to 20 individuals to take part in our study. A study team member will test your language skills. You will be asked to select words that are meaningful to you. These meaningful words will be the focus of treatment. You will repeat these language tests after treatment.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
Inclusion: To be included in this study, participants will have a diagnosis of either mild-to-moderate semantic or logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) without concomitant motor speech disorder. This diagnosis must be confirmed via a letter from their neurologist confirming their diagnosis. Participants must use English as their primary language during daily communication and be older than 18 years. Participants must also obtain a minimum score of 15 on the Mini- Mental State Exam (MMSE), pass an audiometric hearing screening to ensure adequate hearing ability for accurate speech perception, and have adequate visual acuity to accurately perceive picture stimuli. Exclusion: Participants who do not have a diagnosis of mild-to-moderate semantic or logopenic variant of PPA or have a concomitant motor speech disorder will be excluded. Participants younger than 18 years or who do not use English as their primary language during daily communication will also be excluded. Participants will also be excluded if they score less than 15 on the MMSE, are unable to pass a hearing screening or do not have adequate visual acuity to perceive picture stimuli.
Principal Investigator:
Amy Vogel-Eyny
Contact Email:
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Observational or Treatment:
Type of Treatment:
Single word naming intervention (Lexical Cascade) combined with computerized spaced retrieval training
Duration of Study:
The study consists of 26 sessions, each lasting approximately one hour, over 3 months.
Study Start Date:
September 1, 2024
Study End Date:
September 1, 2025
More information:
Costs or Reimbursement:
Participants will receive monetary compensation for participating in this study ($17 per session; $442 total).
IRB Approval #
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